miércoles, 22 de abril de 2009

Well, this is just some stuff I did from years ago untill now. The good news are that it's finished the bad news are that they always want you to finish the animation on a crazy speed that never allow us, in spain, to finish it the way i wanted.

martes, 21 de abril de 2009

KrazyKat Stop motion

I've found this fine xmple of animated cartoon passed straight to stop motion animation. Most of this technique is very useful when applied to the 3D animation and i love it!

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2009

Today is the day, I can sail all the oceans using my hair as a compass..

Working as a animation profesional all this years, from time to time, i've been wondering with the idea of creating a source of animation content to fill catch the opinion that every living creature can express.
Soon, this blog will be showing some stuff that may be of your interest and i hope you all, visitors, can comment.

Thanks in advance,

Sincerely, Xavimator